Tuesday, August 31, 2004

time limits

Re: Delta's proposal that we establish a time limit for both challenges AND acceptances.

This had been brought up before, actually; in our discussions prior to posting the rule clarification both Boyd (Bonafide) and Jeff (Ratz) recommended that there be some split in deadlines.

I am still undecided on the matter, for a couple of reasons.

1) I don't want to overburden this thing with rules. The only reason we added this one was purely to establish something concrete, but there's no reason that we need to go overboard. These are, after all, still only friendlies. All we are asking for is a good-faith effort on the part of the home team to post a challenge as soon as they possibly can.

2) I found it hard to come up with a firm TIME for challenges to be issued. Jeff had recommended 12:00 HT time Sunday, which left 12 hours for a challenge to be accepted by the visitor. That seemed a little too short of a period of time for my tastes--I don't relish the idea of spending my Sundays in front of a computer, so I may not be around when the challenge is posted. On the other hand, if the deadline is made earlier (say, 12:00 Saturday HT-Time), that may not give teams enough time to post a challenge should they face a problem with their ISP, be on vacation for the weekend, etc. For those in the West Coast of the US, 12:00 HT-Time Saturday equates to 3 am. For someone travelling on business during the week it's entirely likely that they wouldn't be able to issue a challenge until far past that deadline.

3) The premise of the argument I object to a bit. We (by we I mean Jeff, Boyd and I) agree that we basically don't WANT anyone in the B-Cup who would try to steal three points by taking advantage of the deadlines. When we ask you to make a good-faith effort, that's what we expect. So we're going to apply a little subjective logic to the objective rules. If someone tries to claim 3 points because they offered a friendly at 23:59 on Sunday and never got an acceptance, we're not only going to refuse the points, but we're not going to ask you back either.

Again, what it finally comes down to is the rule was clarified since I felt we needed a date that provided enough time for teams to agree to matches but still provided enough flexibility (especially for the English sides) to still get a friendly match in if were to be outside the B-Cup. And, as I've mentioned before--these are only friendlies. This Cup exists only out of the spirit of cooperation among our members, and that cooperation has largely been enough to keep it going for 4 years now.

All this said, if the majority of you feel two deadlines are necessary, please let me know and we will create one.

Monday, August 30, 2004

rules change

It is the responsibility of the Home team to issue a challenge for all B-Cup matches. It is the responsibility of the away team to accept that challenge in a timely fashion. If the challenge is not FILED by the home team by Sunday Night/Monday AM 0:00 HT time, then the match will be considered forfeit and the visitor will receive the points under a 2-0 walkover score. Similarly, if the challenge is not ACCEPTED by the visitor by the same deadline then the match will be forfeit and the home team will be awarded the points under the same 2-0 walkover. This deadline is imposed so that all teams in the B-Cup will not have to risk missing out on a friendly match by trying to live up to the responsibility of B-Cup play.

Final(?) Week 4 Update

I have added the rest of the match commentaries and a new 'playoffs' page curtesy of Scott ;)

I am also in the process of changing the BC anthem to 'eye of the tiger'... but am having problems uploading the wav file. It will be done shortly I hope ;)


ABC commentaries are on the site. Thanks, Jeff.

Also, given the seeding structure here are the current matchups if the playoffs began this week:

Ratz (#1 seed) v. Saltopus (#8 )
Wind (#2) v. Ellwood (#7)
Tigers (#3) v. Bonafide (#6)
BFC (#4) v. Avalanche (#5)

These are, of course, based on points and GD and are going to change. But there are some pretty compelling matchups in this playoff round if in fact things hold to form.

Week 4 Update

Update is complete except for group A, B and C match commentaries. I have also made a few changes to the stats/tables pages, I hope you like them ;)

I am toying with a new system of doing the stats which I will start next season. The present system is fine but labour intensive. It is also quite personalised and so difficult for others to assist me (cheers for the offers). I will attempt to make the stats pages easier to follow in future so that it should be fairly easy for others to assist.

Consequently you may find a few changes creeping in to this seasons stats setup as I toy with ideas and try them out ;)

Hopefully this won't be too disruptive.

Friday, August 27, 2004


Ah no, my friend. The commentaries must be written sober. If pints were involved I'm sure there would be a lot more profanity and general inappropriateness in the match reports. Besides, the last time Scott and I were drinking we could barely maintain syntax, let alone form complete sentences.

And for Tom (I didn't want you to think I let it slip by...), the Brooklyn Brigade does in fact exist, and I have the picture to prove it (albeit not a very good one). We were going to try to post it here but that may not have worked out. Shoot me your email address (boyd@watchmail.com) and I'll send it to you for a gander.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

aw ratz

Of course, I managed to take the brunt of Ratz's reaction to their "kiss-yer-sister" league match slip-up. I was hoping your players would wait another week to rededicate themselves to the team after their short summer vacation...alas...

The match commentaries are hilarious. Bravo!
I can picture you guys down to The Last Exit writing these up. And after how many pints?


Week 4 Update

I had an early start to the stats this week ;)

I will get the rest finished asap :)

Results: *Completed*
Tables: *Completed*
Player Stats: *Completed*
Team Stats: *Completed*

Stones got a draw against me in the league, yes... they deserved it, I took my eye off the ball a little too much :P

No such slip-ups will occur in the Brooky Cup I promise you ;)

EDIT: Week 3 match commentaries are now complete and a definate MUST read for all :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I did notice....

that you let the Stones eek aout a draw against the Ratz! That certainly wasn't an error, was it?

hopefully you took something out of them, cause I get them at home tomorrow....


Good Point

John's little error reminds of a good point...

... Always mention anything you think is in error, no matter how silly it seems. I do most of this work when I can (lately between nappies!) and it is all collated by hand. There must be well over 100 bits of info that I record per week and one slight error or misreading can send everything up the spout. You guys know pretty much everything your team does in a BC match, I only spend 10 minutes looking per match, so when I make errors you are the most likely to spot them (I have little time for proof reading, etc. these days). Don't worry about being in error yourself as I would much rather check something out that is correct than miss a typo.

Oh and never worry about bruising my ego... much to many people's amazement I really don't have one ;)

Monday, August 23, 2004


Nevermind. I can't read correctly. The standings are correct.

Group D Adjustment

While the GF and GA are identical betweet the Avs and Wind, I think if you actually check the results, I have 9 points while the Avs are in 2nd with 2nd. This has mostly to do with the fact that I beat them. I'm not a stickler for details, but that one seems pretty important.
Sic@The Wind

Week 3 Update

Results: *Completed*
Tables: *Completed*
Player Stats: *Completed*
Team Stats: *Completed*
Commentaries: *Group D Completed*

Groups A, B and C will be here soon folks :)

Thursday, August 19, 2004

They're Back!

I have added the first 2 week's match commentaries written by the Brooky Cup's own Scott Santandrea!!!

Sadly if you are in group D then you have a little while longer to wait as Scott isn't doing that one... but a secret guest-writer will be!

I will add in week three's results asap but in the mean time......

...... Cheers to KCU for three more Ratty-type-points! Here's to you, mate ;) Cheers

Sunday, August 15, 2004

New Intro!

I have changed the 'introduction to the cup' page slightly. Direwolf have replaced Quakes and I have made all the logos smaller so that they should fit on one page!

I have also changed the anthem slightly. I realise the song I have chosen is VERY nationalistic to England so if anyone takes offence just email me and I will change it immediately ;

To Do List, Week 2 (part deux)

***Update Complete***

A quick update on what has been done so far:

Season XXII Archived: *Completed*
Season XXIII Set Up: *Completed*
Week 1 Results: *Completed*
Week 2 Results: *Completed*
Stats Update: *Completed*
Added Users HT Clubhouse Links: *Completed*

I know the group C points are not correct, I will change them once the second match has been played.

PS below is a little test to see if pictures can be shown here (should see a handsome dude!) if it works I will try to get a pic of Jonas up here at some point ;)

Friday, August 13, 2004

Last Chance

Premiership Fantasy Group
The Group Name is: Brooklyn Area FootballThe Group Number is: 3400The Password is: euro2004


Come on, it's something to do while waiting for the weekly yourth pull!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

One major drawback

I appreciate all the advice, but I think we're going to go with option 3; play the matches as a home/away series and award the six points to the winner of the combined series. While option 1 would be the easiest solution, it also has a major drawback in that it would have an adverse effect on the seeding of every member of that group in the final round as well as Das Losers Invitational.

We need to award 3 points here, not 1. That's why option 3 works best.

Week 3 matches

Home teams first:

Group A
Thunder v. BFC
Presidents v. FC Bonafide

Group B
Ellwood v. Delta
Direwolf v. Tigers

Group C
Ratz v. United
Saltopus v. System

Group D
Avs v. Maidstone
Freaks v. Wind

Official investigation

After an official investigation this commitee has found that no such threats took place between the Brooklyn Brigade and certain players of the Chocolate Thunder Football Club. In fact this commitee has concluded that there is no evidence to support the existance of any said group known as the Brooklyn Brigade and there never was. These findings are final and no appeal can be made. Furthermore, this commitee would like to congratulate the members of FC Bonafide for their glorious victory and we wish them a most triumphant rise to to the top of the table.

Thank you,
The Commitee.

the tie....

I think I like option #1 as well. It is less messy.

Can you believe I lost to Bonafide!! ;-) After an inquiry it looks as though the Brooklyn Brigade made some threats against a few of our players. An official investigation will ensue.


Option 1 is my vote.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Owing to some of the results of this week's matches, it appears that the tie between KCU and Saltopus may have some impact after all on the Group C standings. And I can't hold them accountable since I didn't get the Cup Rules instructions off in time. So I'm trying to think of a method of awarding the points if they ultimately need to be awarded.

There are a few options available:

1) Even things out a bit by having Ratz and System play their final match under normal--that way every team in the group would at least have played one match under the possibility of a tie result. If we did so, then there would be no adjustment necessary

2) Award the additional 2 points based on record and/or goal differential for KCU and Saltopus for the rest of the season. Whoever finishes higher in the standings gets the additional two points.

3) Make their series, for all intents, a two-legged event. Six points would be awarded to the team with the higher aggregate score in both matches. Incidentally, if we did this I would recommend that we play the return leg as normal as well and allow for away goals as the tiebreaker in order to give Saltopus the benefit of his two road goals.

I'd like to get feedback from everyone in the group if at all possible, since they are most directly affected. Also, any other opinions are welcome.


I'm interested in pursuing a trade with a defense trainer. I've got the following player:

Miroslav Tenev (20799592) 20 years, inadequate form, bruised, but playing
A sympathetic guy who is temperamental and honest.
Has wretched experience and passable leadership abilities.

Nationality: Bulgaria
Total Skill Index (TSI): 4 350
Wage: 1 427 US$/week including 20% Bonus
Owner: Brooklyn FC
Warnings: 0

Stamina: solid Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: poor Passing: solid
Winger: formidable Defending: passable
Scoring: weak Set Pieces: weak

I'm a winger trainer, and while he's been a good winger, I think he'll be a great wingback for any defense trainer, particularly those who use CA. I'm looking to trade him for a defender with a little bit of winger skill who is still young enough to receive some training (I'm not picky), though I will listen to other trade ideas as well. I don't know if many (or any) of you in the B-Cup are defender trainers, but if you know someone who might be interested, let me know.

To Do List, Week 2

Sorry this is taking so long folks but I am a little busy at the mo ;)

Especially as little Jonas seems to do nothing but cry between midnight and 6am when I go to bed and the missus takes over... he sleeps from that point on, little sonovab..... *cough*..... I mean 'darling'! I am presently suffering with extended arms from all the rocking and soothing so I have left him to exercise his lungs a while whilst I do some housekeeping ;)Cry Baby

This list will be updated as I complete the various tasks:-

Season XXII Archived: *Completed*
Season XXIII Set Up: *In Progress*
Week 1 Results: *Pending*
Week 2 Results: *Pending*
Stats Update: *Pending*

gRatz Jay!

Nice to see you here :)

Doughnut is in the post ;P

Monday, August 09, 2004

One Small Leap for Saltopus

Well, I'm one step ahead of last season, managing a tie. Sorry guys--we forgot the Cup Rules! I've also managed to post to the Blog. Give me a donut, or something!


Thursday, August 05, 2004

Week 2 fixtures

Week 2 fixtures are as follows (home team listed first):

Group A
FC Bonafide v. Thunder
Presidents v. BFC

Group B
Tigers v. Delta
Ellwood v. Direwolf

Group C
System v. United
Saltopus v. Ratz

Group D
Maidstone v. Wind
Avs v. Freaks

Premiership Fantasy

Please join my Premiership Fantasy Group


The Group Name is: Brooklyn Area Football
The Group Number is: 3400
The Password is: euro2004