time limits
Re: Delta's proposal that we establish a time limit for both challenges AND acceptances.
This had been brought up before, actually; in our discussions prior to posting the rule clarification both Boyd (Bonafide) and Jeff (Ratz) recommended that there be some split in deadlines.
I am still undecided on the matter, for a couple of reasons.
1) I don't want to overburden this thing with rules. The only reason we added this one was purely to establish something concrete, but there's no reason that we need to go overboard. These are, after all, still only friendlies. All we are asking for is a good-faith effort on the part of the home team to post a challenge as soon as they possibly can.
2) I found it hard to come up with a firm TIME for challenges to be issued. Jeff had recommended 12:00 HT time Sunday, which left 12 hours for a challenge to be accepted by the visitor. That seemed a little too short of a period of time for my tastes--I don't relish the idea of spending my Sundays in front of a computer, so I may not be around when the challenge is posted. On the other hand, if the deadline is made earlier (say, 12:00 Saturday HT-Time), that may not give teams enough time to post a challenge should they face a problem with their ISP, be on vacation for the weekend, etc. For those in the West Coast of the US, 12:00 HT-Time Saturday equates to 3 am. For someone travelling on business during the week it's entirely likely that they wouldn't be able to issue a challenge until far past that deadline.
3) The premise of the argument I object to a bit. We (by we I mean Jeff, Boyd and I) agree that we basically don't WANT anyone in the B-Cup who would try to steal three points by taking advantage of the deadlines. When we ask you to make a good-faith effort, that's what we expect. So we're going to apply a little subjective logic to the objective rules. If someone tries to claim 3 points because they offered a friendly at 23:59 on Sunday and never got an acceptance, we're not only going to refuse the points, but we're not going to ask you back either.
Again, what it finally comes down to is the rule was clarified since I felt we needed a date that provided enough time for teams to agree to matches but still provided enough flexibility (especially for the English sides) to still get a friendly match in if were to be outside the B-Cup. And, as I've mentioned before--these are only friendlies. This Cup exists only out of the spirit of cooperation among our members, and that cooperation has largely been enough to keep it going for 4 years now.
All this said, if the majority of you feel two deadlines are necessary, please let me know and we will create one.